Fall maintenance, Sacramento, CA

As the leaves start to fall and the temperature begins to drop, it’s time to prepare your home for the colder and cozier season. Getting your home prepared for the fall season will help you have peace of mind about the state of your home. Performing home maintenance will keep your home looking new while also lowering the risk of damage. Below are the top areas you should focus on for fall maintenance this upcoming season. 

1- Remove Debris From Your Gutters

When discussing fall cleaning tasks, removing debris from your gutters is the most common. This is because when your gutters are clogged it can cause major damage to your foundation and roof. In the fall, leaves and sticks are more common, which means that your gutters will become more clogged if not cleaned. 

Have your gutters cleaned by a professional in the summer to ensure that water flows through them smoothly and that additional debris doesn’t completely block your gutters and downspouts. 

2- Get Sparkling Windows

The interior and exterior of your home can benefit from a deep cleaning at least twice a year. Your windows are one of the areas that get neglected the most when cleaning the rest of your home. Cleaning the interior and exterior of your windows will remove hard water spots, dirt, bugs, and more. This will give you a clear view of the outside of your home and the surrounding fall scenery. 

Cleaning windows is important for fall maintenance because more storms and high winds can occur during this season. Whether you have window cleaning by a professional or do it yourself, having clear windows not only will help let more light into your home, but also improve your curb appeal. 

3- Hire A Chimney Sweep

Debris can easily build up through the spring and summer months, especially in a chimney and fireplace. Homeowners often forget about the need to clean their chimney until it starts to smell or smoke entering their common spaces. Cleaning debris and excess soot from the chimney will help the smoke escape the home swiftly and should be a top priority on your fall maintenance to-do list. Chimney cleanings also lower the risk of fires inside your home, bugs or birds living inside the chimney, and strong odors filling the home. 

Clean The Exterior Of Your Home

As the weather starts to cool down, you may find yourself using your fireplace more often. Chimney cleaning is an important task on your fall maintenance checklist if you want to avoid serious issues during the fall and winter. The more use your fireplace and chimney experience, the more frequently it will need to be cleaned. Hiring a chimney sweep before the fall season will help keep your home safe through the colder months. 

4- Sweep Your Front And Back Porch

Enhancing your curb appeal and improving your porch is just good common sense when you live in a home. Sweeping off dirt and leaves from your porch will give you a clean space to enter your home while also helping improve the overall appearance of your home. 

This fall maintenance task can be completed fairly easily, but it goes a long way in improving the state of your home. 

5- Do Some Last Minute Yard Work

As previously mentioned, exterior cleaning is just as essential as interior cleaning. Cleaning up the outside of your home will help you make a great first impression on neighbors and guests. Raking leaves, trimming trees, or removing excess junk will help prepare your yard for snowfall and prevent you from having to complete this work during harsh weather conditions. Keep your home looking neat all year long by doing some yard work in the fall. 

6- Pressure Wash Your Siding

Depending on the color of your siding or the type of material you have, you may not realize how dirty the exterior of your home is. Pressure washing your siding can help brighten your home especially when the outside weather is dark and dreary. Hiring a home cleaner can help you check window cleaning and exterior pressure washing off your fall maintenance checklist. 

Pressure washing different materials is a difficult process. It requires precision and attention to detail. Different PSIs are used for vinyl siding, rock, and brick so that the high-pressure stream of water doesn’t cause breakage or divots in your siding. Sierra Vista Maintenance offers multiple home cleaning services, including pressure washing, so that homeowners can focus on cleaning the finer details of their homes and leave the grunt work to us. Pressure washing is best done by a professional team. 

7- Remove Junk Or Summer Debris

Pressure wash during the winter

Another way to clear your yard and your mind is to remove junk from your home. Whether it is dead trees or objects from inside your home, junk removal can help simplify your life and give you a clearer space to function. Especially with family holidays coming up, keeping the random objects in your home to a minimum will help you move more efficiently through the home and give you the freedom to host get-togethers. 

Over time we can gather a lot of random decor or miscellaneous items. Clearing out junk as part of your fall maintenance can help you want to spend more time in your home. This is especially important when you can’t spend as much time outside.

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